The Bard reuses the Rogue's art, but can wield two weapons at once and has the Identify spell as her natural ability.īarbariantest lets you choose the Barbarian Class, which allows you to wield a 2-handed axe or sword and a shield. This enables LAN and modem games, two new quests (Cow Quest and Theo Quest), and two new character classes: multitest cowquest theoquest bardtest barbariantest Next, place the following line in command.txt: To access some secret Easter eggs in Hellfire, create a text file called command.txt and place it in your Hellfire directory. It will not work on the original version. The following code requires the latest version of Diablo: Hellfire. He will to blow up the hives but since you have done it already, you get a free rune bomb. Quests and character class (shown above.) While playing, talk to the complete nut. The hives blow them up, then do the cheat bonus After Lester gives you a rune bomb to blow up